
In terms of technology, we emphasize our commitment to being tech agnostic, allowing brokers the flexibility to choose the platform that best suits their needs, including our complimentary Piper Technology. Piper offers features like deal status tracking, volume reports, integrated E-sign, and more.

Unparalleled Custom Marketing is where your creativity can come alive. Our marketing team is here to help you with all your marketing needs. You can submit as many custom marketing requests as you want, completely for free!
CENTUM Connect

CENTUM Connect is designed to foster collaboration among like-minded professionals within our network, providing a non-biased platform for interaction and knowledge sharing among CENTUM members.
CENTUM Direct Pay

Direct Pay System offers you the ability to pay daily. It simplifies direct deposit and offers comprehensive accounting reports, streamlining financial management for your office. This proprietary system, developed by CENTUM, enhances transaction and payment management.
Events and Recognition

We acknowledge the pivotal role CENTUM Brokers play in guiding individuals towards their dream homes. Your dedication and expertise are annually celebrated through our Awards and Recognition segment at the Vision conference.
Additional Revenue Streams

Additional Revenue Streams and Protection Plans highlight our commitment to boosting your income through valuable products and services. Partnerships such as MPP, Property Insurance, and Group Benefits not only benefit your clients but also contribute to your business growth.

Value for Dollars, our competitive pricing speaks for itself. We’ll also introduce a new page outlining our membership categories without divulging specific pricing details.