Mortgage Monitor

A Powerful Client Engagement Tool

Mortgage Monitor™ enables brokers to automatically enroll closed/funded borrowers into a “set it and forget it” communication platform, leveraging CENTUM’s proprietary analysis algorithm. This innovative tool delivers a powerful combination of features, including:

Monthly Home Value Updates: Clients receive up-to-date estimates of their home's value, which empowers a deeper understanding of their equity and potential wealth generation.

Personalized Product and Rate Analysis: The platform identifies potential refinancing or mortgage protection opportunities, allowing clients to optimize their financial strategy.

Mortgage Protection Support: The platform fosters discussions about revisiting mortgage protection needs, ensuring clients have a comprehensive financial safety net to protect against unforeseen life circumstances.
For Clients: Mortgage Monitor™ aims to help clients maximize equity, minimize interest costs, and secure their financial future.

For Agents: It provides insights into refinance opportunities, transfer switch opportunities, and opportunities related to mortgage protection and property insurance.
Mortgage Monitor™ is designed to dynamically adjust its content and call to action based on such scenarios to ensure continuity and relevance.
Currently, Mortgage Monitor™ displays the best available 0-80% Loan-to-Value (LTV) channel rate as "5-Year Refinance Rates as low as."